Children's Book Project Grant

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    Funder Type

    Private Foundation

    IT Classification

    C - Funds little to no technology


    Pilcrow Foundation


    USA public libraries and tribal libraries in rural areas to acquire brand new, high quality, hardcover children's books. Recipients will be able to choose which books are best suited for their community from a list of over 500 books, including award-winning and star-reviewed titles from educational and literary organizations.


    History of Funding

    None is available.

    Additional Information

    Libraries with total operating budgets of less than $50,000 will receive funding priority; however, town libraries with total operating budgets over $150,000 and county libraries with total operating budgets over $450,000 may also apply for grants.

    The foundation does not offer grants to libraries outside of the 50 United States, libraries in urban or metropolitan areas, or libraries with substantial operating budgets. 


    Karren Timmermans

    Karren Timmermans
    343 E. Washington Avenue
    Cottage Grove, OR 97424

  • Eligibility Details

    The Pilcrow Foundation accepts applications from independent rural public libraries and Native American Tribal libraries as well as libraries that are part of a county, regional, or cooperative system.

    A branch library may apply if it serves a rural community. If the branch library receives its funding from a parent institution, the parent institution's total operating budget, not just the branch library's total operating budget, must demonstrate budgetary limitations.

    The Pilcrow Foundation accepts applications from school libraries only if the school library also serves as the community's public library (i.e., it is open to the entire community; has summer hours; is open beyond the school day, including Saturdays; there is no public library in town) and meets the budgetary and rural requirements.

    Regardless of which kind of library, applicants must be located in a rural area within the 50 United States, have a limited operating budget, have an active children's department, and raise $200 - $400 through a local sponsor.

    The funder defines a rural community as more than 40 miles from an urban area (population over 50,000) and not a part of a metropolitan area. A rural town library system should serve a population under 10,000 (priority to community populations under 5,000). A rural county library system should serve a population under 20,000.

    Deadline Details

    Annual application deadlines for grant cycles are 1 April and 1 October (postmark date). 

    Librarians may obtain a grant application from The Pilcrow Foundation website. All applications must be printed, stapled, signed, and returned to The Pilcrow Foundation by mail at the address provided on their website. They do not accept electronic or faxed copies of the grant application.

    Award Details

    The Pilcrow Foundation provides a 2-to-1 match grants for rural public libraries that contribute $200-$400 through a local sponsor(s) for the purchase of up to $1200 worth (at retail value) of new, quality, hardcover children's books.

    Related Webcasts Use the links below to view the recorded playback of these webcasts

    • Funding Classroom Technology to Empower Students and Teachers - Sponsored by Panasonic - Playback Available
    • Maximizing Technology-friendly Workforce Development Grants - Sponsored by Panasonic - Playback Available
    • Funding Data-driven Workforce Development Projects - Sponsored by NetApp - Playback Available


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