.info Site Sponsorship

With a year-long sponsorship of this site, you are entitled to renewal at the end of the year.

The sponsorship includes:

  • Your logo on every page on the site
  • Your organization's solution page linked to the primary navigation of the site and accessible from every page
  • Up to 5 navigable pages off the organization's solutions page, with the organization's solutions and packages suitable for inclusion in the featured grant
  • Access to traffic statistics and referral reports

For more information please contact [email protected] or 585-473-1430.

Crunch the Numbers

We will add a unique Google Analytics number to the site you are sponsoring. This way over the year you can request that Grants Office supply you with the most current and relevant analytics data for your portal.

This way you can see how your involvement has made an impact on the grantseeking community.

We care about your Content

We want you to be able to have the ability to showcase your company in your solutions section.

To accomplish this, you can have up to 8 tabs on that page! To be displayed similar to what you see here. You give us your content and we will make sure it gets on your Solutions Page.

Looks like it's Yours

We want you to really feel good about your sponsorship and will help to ensure the colors, fonts, etc. are in line with your business.

This will make sure that everyone that visits the .info site you are sponsoring will be able instantly recognize your involvement.

While some things will need to stay standardized in order keep the Grants Office Brand recognizable. Ask us today how you can customize your web portal.

Showcase your Products

You may even choose to use one of your tabs to feature some of your products that you feel would be a good fit for grantseekers and industry professionals.